Flexible, interest-driven, and rooted in real-world learning
9-12th graders at Prisma earn all accredited credits required by selective colleges while tackling a 'hard fun', rigorous, project-based curriculum that aligns with their interests and prepares them for a rapidly changing future, both in college and beyond.
Fewer than 85 spots available for Fall 2025. Don't wait to apply!
High school at a glance
Eligibility: 9-12th graders (transfer students only accepted in 11th grade or below)
Format: Full-time accredited online school with a mix of dynamic live sessions & personalized independent work
Philosophy: Learner-centric, flexible, personalized, and relevant to the real world
Academics: Project-based accredited curriculum in all college requirements, with optional dual enrollment
Teacher: Facilitated by subject-area expert Learning coaches who provide 1:1 academic feedback and mentorship
Socialization: Clubs, extracurriculars, and virtual and in-person Meetups and Endeavors
Calendar: Three 12-week sessions, organized by themes, that map to course credits and GPA
Geography: Open to learners who can operate in time zones UTC-10 to UTC+2 Prisma High School not yet in your area? Join our waitlist
Parents: Daily time commitment varies depending on learner's maturity and self-direction
LaunchPad opens college and career doors
College & Career planning
Prisma high schoolers graduate with an official transcript and GPA that meets college entrance requirements and ensures eligibility for scholarships. Our program exposes teens to a wide range of pathways (including college and alternatives to college, such as online certifications and trades) and helps them explore their strengths to develop career goals. All learners prepare for college through rigorous workshops on prepping for the SAT & ACT, writing a standout essay, securing recommendations, applying, and selecting a college.
Capstone projects & Internships
We strongly believe that learning should have a purpose in the real world. Our high schoolers work 1:1 with their mentor coach to tailor their projects to their goals to create a standout portfolio. In 11th grade, each learner designs a yearlong capstone project that shows off their top strengths, aligned to their college and career goals. In 12th grade, learners complete a virtual or in-person internship with a partner organization to gain relevant work experience.
Electives & Dual enrollment
We take advantage of the tremendous flexibility afforded by the virtual environment to personalize each learner's experience through electives. Learners can take virtual or in-person elective courses in topics like foreign language, computer science, and art. They can also take AP or dual enrollment courses through outside partners (such as 25 college level courses with ASU Accelerate) to earn college credit. We support learners in identifying these opportunities, and coaches monitor progress.
Prisma Seniors are accepted into top colleges!
We launched Prisma quite conservatively, with only grades 4-8 and an intentional, mission-first approach to growth. Now, 5 years after launching our first Prisma Middle School cohort and 3 years after launching our High School, we're over the moon that acceptances for our first Seniors are coming in hot. All of our seniors applying to college have already been accepted to multiple schools, including a Top 75 university and a Top 3 school of their choice.
Special shoutout to Coach Trevor for the countless hours spent pouring into learners via the LaunchPad program, 1:1 future planning sessions, interview coaching, essay reviews, and more.
It makes us so proud to see how the unique stories and portfolios of this trailblazing tiny-but-mighty first graduating class resonate with outstanding schools.
Curriculum Overview
Prisma high schoolers earn all core credits required for entrance to college through an interdisciplinary curriculum that connects academics to pressing real-world problems.
Themes Themes like The Future of Health, Build a Business, and 2050: Who Rules the World? cover subjects like Biology and World History in an engaging way, while building awareness of the most urgent questions facing our world.
Projects Learners end each theme by designing their own project to connect learning to their strengths and interests and prove mastery of the standards-aligned skills. Projects are showcased in a portfolio that makes learners stand out in college admissions.
Workshops High schoolers attend daily live workshops connected to the theme, where they collaborate, debate, give and receive feedback on their projects, and learn from guest experts. 9th & 10th graders also take LifeSkills, and 11th & 12th graders do LaunchPad.
Math A rigorous, interactive curriculum from Algebra 1 through AP Calculus and beyond combines asynchronous standards-aligned practice, projects that apply math to real-world scenarios, and engaging live workshops led by math specialist educators. Optional elective courses such as Personal Finance, Data Science, or Math in Music, Art, and Nature appeal to diverse learner interests, and each theme includes an applied math challenge.
Mastery-based Assessment Each theme maps to course credits on each learner's accredited Prisma transcript that meet college entry requirements. Prisma's approach to grading and credits is transparent, skill and mastery focused, and collaborative between the learner and their coach.
At the end of each theme, learners present their projects to peers, parents, and guests in a celebratory Expo Day. Beyond developing key skills valued by colleges, workplaces, and society, our themes get teens excited about learning in a real-world, personalized way.
96% of learners agree that Prisma themes are 'hard fun'.
Facilitated by dynamic, expert learning coaches
Instead of having dozens of teachers who each have hundreds of students, Prisma high schoolers are matched with a cohort of 20-25 peers, a small set of expert specialist teachers, and one mentor coach who they build a relationship with over multiple years.
Specialist academic coaches in Math, Science, and the Humanities facilitate workshops aligned to the theme and give individualized feedback on learner projects. Mentor coaches meet 1:1 with each learner in their cohort and facilitate engaging daily standup workshops that build community.
100% of Prisma parents are happy with their learner's mentor coach. We receive 100-500 applicants for any one coach we hire, so we select educators who are exceptionally talented at building motivating relationships with kids. And, 100% of coaches came back this year, which means cohort and mentor bonds are stronger than ever!
How do you build positive relationships with young people and what do those relationships mean to you?
"Without a doubt, the best thing about being an educator is that my students make me a better person. They invite me into their lives and we form a family with a mutual commitment to support one another on our learning journey. The core of these positive relationships is mutual respect. Not a day goes by that young people do not prove to me how immensely talented they are and how brilliantly they exceed my own abilities. My life is immeasurably enriched by knowing them, and it is my honor to have many precious relationships which have extended far beyond their time in my classroom."
Math Coach
Todd Forsyth
What’s the difference between being a Math Learning Coach at Prisma and teaching math at a more traditional school?
"So much! For starters, it’s the amount of thought and care we put into designing meaningful and practical lessons to engage all learners. In a traditional school, where test scores rule the world, the priority is boosting a school’s ranking on standardized tests rather than engaging learners. While tests are important for learners seeking higher education, it actually is possible to focus on practicality and future skills while simultaneously building skills to score well on tests. A second difference is how well I get to know Prisma learners. The amount of support and check-ins our learners have at Prisma is unparalleled compared to anywhere else I’ve ever worked."
Learning Coach
Alecia Tumpap
If you could pick one skill that all kids should master to prepare for the world of the future, what would it be and why?
"Developing a growth mindset: In a rapidly-evolving world, the ability to adapt to new situations, technologies, and challenges is INVALUABLE. The key to developing this adaptability is a growth mindset (the belief that intelligence and abilities are not fixed, but rather things that can be developed through effort and persistence). With a growth mindset, kids recognize setbacks not as failures, but as opportunities for learning and development. They gain the resilience and flexibility needed to confront the uncertainties of tomorrow's world."
Learning Coach
James McManus
You have a special background in developing leadership skills in young people. How have these experiences influenced your approach to Prisma coaching?
"My coaching style is heavily influenced by my experiences prior to Prisma, specifically becoming an Eagle Scout, going to college at The Citadel, and volunteering at a leadership program called American Legion Jersey Boys State. I know first-hand that people are usually surprised by what they’re capable of when they’re pushed to do their absolute best by someone who cares deeply about them. Leadership is a skill set (like creativity or organization), and everyone is capable of learning the component skills through experience and reflection."
Lead Math Coach
Carolyn Ruffin
What sets Prisma’s approach to math apart from traditional schools?
"At Prisma, learners understand how math is useful and applicable to their lives. Instead of emphasizing “tricks” or test-taking strategies, learners dig into math in deeper and more meaningful ways. During a recent 1:1, a learner was all smiles as she told me how she can see how everything we’ve been doing in math connects. It was those patterns and discoveries that were motivating her – not a grade or a looming test. Prisma encourages and supports that same discovery for every math learner!"
LaunchPad Designer & Mentor Coach
Trevor Baker
In addition to LaunchPad, you also design our High School standup workshops that bring learners together in community each day. What’s your approach to building bonds between learners?
"Our standup workshops build community through team-building activities, peer support systems, and regular group discussions. During standup, we dive into topics aligned with preparing learners for the real world. Learners develop and build their Prisma portfolios, have open discussions through table topics, and even trade off planning and leading their own activities to build their own facilitation skills. This inclusive environment allows learners to connect, learn from one another, and grow both academically and personally."
We're excited to get to know your family!
What would be most helpful right now?
1-on-1 Conversation
Have specific questions unique to your child or family? Let's figure out together whether Prisma could be ideal!
“I like having a clear purpose for what I’m learning, instead of just being told ‘do this thing,'" says Aaron, 10th grader at Prisma.
Some of Aaron’s favorite projects include the model of a green roof planter he made to earn his 9th grade Biology credit, and the poem he wrote about the challenges of the ballet industry and turned into an audio/visual video for his English credit. “Instead of making videos or building models being what I do when I take a break from school, I did those things for my project. It’s really fun to be able to showcase the unique talents I have in a way that also gets me school credit.” See full story
Life Skills
We believe high school should be a time where teens prepare for adult life, but most high schools spend little or no time teaching kids how to navigate the day-to-day challenges of adulthood. All Prisma high schoolers participate in our weekly Life Skills workshop, where they learn practical skills for future success through group discussions, expert guest visits, and hands-on challenges.
Topics covered include: finding one's personal strengths, financial literacy, cooking & nutrition, habit formation using Atomic Habits, recognizing cognitive biases, job interviews, managing stress, building friendships, negotiation, and planning a trip, just to name a few.
“Prisma lives by their promise that ‘Learning should be hard fun’. The choices, creativity, and challenge have pushed me to thrive academically.”
-Arden Z. Prisma Senior Accepted to Bard College on the heels of a competitive Carnegie Mellon summer program
A day in the life at Prisma
Every teen and family is different and has unique routines, schedules and priorities. Our schedule allows ample opportunities for learners to interact with and socialize with their peers, while maintaining flexibility.
Some workshops (like standup) happen every day, and others once per week. What's listed here is a sample of what a day might look like.
Please note: exact times vary by time zone and cohort placement. Chat with us 1-on-1 to look at how Prisma could work with your family's schedule.
Cohort bonding, goal-setting, and a meaningful day-starting activity like prepping for college applications, taking a group picture for the Yearbook, or writing thank you notes to an expert guest visitor from last week
Office Hours
Time to check in with learning coaches, work with peers on a group project, or sign off to begin independent work!
Independent Work
Most Prisma learners spend 1-3 hours per day independently working on their theme projects; missions in reading, writing, and math; or elective coursework.
Depending on the day of the week, high schoolers either have Theme Workshop (support, feedback, and group activities related to the project); Literacy Lab (book discussions & writing activities); or Life Skills (each theme has a different Life Skills focus, from understanding cognitive biases to cooking to financial literacy).
Math Lab, Foreign Language, or Electives
High schoolers attend a Math workshop at times & frequencies determined by math level, and may also register for elective courses, including foreign language, through our partners.
Fridays are flexible days to connect with peers through Clubs; attend expert guest speakers; or spend time working on capstone projects, internships, or outside interests.
Coach|Learner 1-on-1s
Learners meet biweekly with their mentor coach to set goals, talk through their progress and just generally catch-up.
During August through June, Prisma learners experience three Sessions (Fall, Winter and Spring), with breaks to recharge in between. Each session centers around an interdisciplinary theme that awards credit in multiple subjects required for graduation. The last week of each session is dedicated to revision, reflection, and parent-coach-learner conferences.