Parent-coach program

For experienced homeschool parents, or those who otherwise feel capable of providing their 4-8th grade learner with support on their Prisma work.

Go on your child's learning journey together.

Like homeschooling, with superpowers

Families who choose the Parent-coach program enjoy all the fun and connection of home-based learning but without concerns of gaps in learning, social isolation, or the nagging fear of not doing "enough".

Just like learners in our full program, parent-coach learners have full access to Prisma's comprehensive, innovative curriculum. They're part of a close-kit, consistent peer cohort, and they receive an accredited Prisma transcript.

How does Parent-coach differ?

The program title says it all! Who's your child's mentor coach: You or an expert educator on the Prisma team? (Don't be dissuaded with fears that you won't do a good enough job. You definitely can! And, a Prisma support coach is also available help you ensure your child is on track.)

Who thrives in Parent-coach?

Long-time homeschoolers
Homeschooling is both hard and rewarding. You don't have to lose what you love about homeschooling to solve for the hard parts.
Parents who want to be actively involved
Kids grow up before we know it. When you mentor your child in their education, the bond and memories you create together last a lifetime.

Full program

($5,875 with Math coaching)

Daily engaging, collaborative live workshops
Accredited, personalized, project-based curriculum for all subjects
1-on-1 mentorship from Prisma Coach


Iterative feedback from expert teachers


Tight-knit peer cohort community
Flexible model for kids to learn from anywhere
* Parent-coach is available for Middle School only. See our High School program for grades 9-12.

Parent-coach responsibilites

#1 Mentorship & Goal-setting
Check-in with your child daily to make sure they're on track. See whether they met their learning goals (i.e. how much progress they made in their independent work) and set goals together for the following day.  
Estimated time: 30+ mins / day
#2 Academic feedback
Review your child's work 2-3 times weekly and provide them with academic feedback. Where needed, encourage them to revise and improve their work. Prisma provides guidelines for what strong work looks like.
Estimated time: 30 - 60 mins / week
#3 Assessments & Badge awards
Determine when your child reaches mastery and what badges they're on track to earn. Complete a brief assessment form that your Prisma support coach reviews to approve your feedback.
Estimated time: 60 mins / cycle
#4 Attend support meetings
Attend curriculum preview and training meetings with your Prisma support coach and other parent-coaches once per cycle, to share best practices and understand the cycle's goals, competencies, and learning outcomes.
Estimated time: 60 mins / cycle
What is included in our parent-coach program?

Learners enrolled in this program still participate in all our workshops, standups, Expo days, clubs and learner events. Like all our learners, they are part of a close-knit cohort of other learners that they meet with daily. They also get full access to our accredited curriculum, assessments, and receive a Prisma transcript. Also included in this program is a support coach who meets regularly with our parent-coaches and looks over the feedback they are providing to ensure that their child is on track and is meeting or exceeding expectations.

Who is a good fit for this program?

This program is open to learners whose parents:

  • Are educators or have homeschooled for several years (and thus have a track record of being their child’s primary teacher) or can otherwise demonstrate their ability to closely support their child with their academic work and 
  • Are able to dedicate at least 3-4 hours per week for more independent, higher autonomy learners and up to 8 hours per week for learners who are not yet adept at working independently.
What is the support provided to a parent-coach?

We will assign you a support coach (who is a highly experienced educator) who will work with your family. This coach will: 

  • Meet with you at the beginning of the year to learn more about your child and your family and to develop a custom learning schedule and plan for your child.
  • Meet with you and a small group of other families at the start of each 6-week cycle to preview upcoming curriculum, debrief, and share best practices. (You will also be provided with a detailed coaching guide for each cycle.)
  • Review your child's work on a weekly basis to ensure they are on-track and provide you with observations on the feedback you are giving your child.
  • Offer an optional 1-on-1 check-in at the end of each session to discuss your child’s progress, learning goals and development needs. 
  • Answer any questions and be available for on-demand meetings as need arises. 
  • Review the assessment forms that you have completed for your child and provide guidance as necessary.
How does math work for parent-coach families?

We provide two options for parent-coach families:

1) Parent-coach math (no additional charge)
We will provide you with access to the adaptive learning apps that Prisma uses for math, daily goals for your child based on their ability, in-app instructional videos to help your child learn key concepts and detailed in-app explanations for problems that your child gets wrong. Your child will also attend math workshops three times per week facilitated by our world-class math coaches. You’ll also have access to our project-based performance tasks and summative assessments that help to gauge your child’s understanding of key concepts (including rubrics to help you assess your child) as well as weekly office hours (optional) with our math coach.

OR 2) Full Prisma math coaching (additional annual charge: $1,000)
In addition to the above, you'll also get access to unlimited messages and personalized support from a highly qualified math coach to ensure your child grasps all concepts, plus access to small-group interventions, office hours, and detailed coach assessments on your child's math performance.

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