Prisma Learners Shine at Problem-Solving Olympiad

The NXTLVL Problem-Solving Olympiad is designed to test “Power Skills” such as creativity, strategic thinking, and collaborative problem solving. We’re proud of Prisma Powerhouse for showing an international audience how well our learners collaborate, think critically, and iterate! 

Emily Veno
June 18, 2024

Meet Natalie Bragg

“Natalie is so amazing and Karl has become very close with her. This year has seen Karl expand in his learning very much." -Anna H., Prisma parent

Emily Veno
June 20, 2023

Meet Gwyn Gaafary

“Gwyn has been so wonderful to Jack. She is so relatable and authentic and really kind. She immediately bonded with him, and has really given him the freedom to be creative and take risks. She has made education and the whole "school experience" a safe place for him. With her support and encouragement, she has really made him thrive.” -Wren W., Prisma parent

Emily Veno
June 16, 2023

Service Learning Projects for Kids

How do you make sure the projects you design for your learners or homeschoolers are more than just volunteering, but meaningful learning opportunities?

Emily Veno
June 14, 2023

School Refusal: What It Is and How to Help

In this blog post, we’ll explain what “school refusal” really means, possible causes of school refusal, and why rates might be rising. We’ll also share concrete strategies you can try if your child is struggling. You are not alone!

Emily Veno
June 9, 2023

Executive Functioning Skills for Kids: The Ultimate Guide

All kids need to learn these important cognitive skills, but kids with ADHD and autism might struggle more

Emily Veno
June 6, 2023

Goal Setting for Kids: The Ultimate Guide

Review some of the most popular goal-setting frameworks for kids, from S.M.A.R.T. Goals to WOOP Goals, and get strategies and printable resources for implementing them with your kids.

Emily Veno
June 2, 2023

Entrepreneurship Homeschool Curriculum Guide

When it comes to developing real world life skills, integrating with tons of academic subjects at once, and simply being fun, we don’t think many topics deliver the bang-for-your-buck entrepreneurship does.

Emily Veno
May 31, 2023

Design Thinking for Kids

In this blog post, we’ll break down the steps of the design thinking process and its benefits for learners. Then, we’ll share some examples and project ideas from our themes to inspire you.

Emily Veno
May 26, 2023

Homeschool Math Curriculum: 14 Best Reviewed Programs

Research shows homeschoolers tend to struggle in math compared to typically schooled peers. Which math curriculum you choose can impact your learner's success in high school and college.

Emily Veno
May 19, 2023

Homeschool Science Curriculum: 16 Best Reviewed Options

When choosing a homeschool science curriculum, it's important to understand that ways of teaching science have changed dramatically in recent years based on new research. Read what our curriculum experts think.

Emily Veno
May 18, 2023

How to Make Friends When Homeschooled

There are plenty of ways that homeschoolers make friends and engage with their peers, while still reaping the benefits of a homeschool education.

Emily Veno
May 12, 2023

6 Growth Mindset Questions for Kids

Here's a list of growth mindset questions and activities that can help students develop their self-improvement capacity and make the most of learning opportunities.

Emily Veno
May 9, 2023

AI in the Classroom: 33 Strategies & Lesson Plan Ideas

While AI can offer students a more interactive and engaging learning experience, it is crucial to carefully consider and address these concerns to ensure a balanced and effective integration of AI in education.

Emily Veno
May 5, 2023

Interdisciplinary Learning

The real world isn’t divided into school subjects. Learn how we design our interdisciplinary curriculum.

Emily Veno
May 3, 2023

Online School Burnout: Top 6 Tips

Although online learning can be implemented successfully, in ways that aren’t in danger of triggering burnout, it often isn’t. Here's how to manage it.

Emily Veno
April 27, 2023

Importance of Education: How to Explain It to Your Child

Explore the importance of education for children’s overall development and get practical tips for convincing your kids of its importance.

Emily Veno
April 25, 2023

Why Is Curiosity Important in Education? 5 Ways Schools Get It Wrong

Curiosity is associated with higher levels of well-being, better problem-solving skills, and more significant academic achievement. So why doesn't the traditional education system care if kids are curious?

Emily Veno
April 20, 2023

School Doesn't Prepare Kids for the Real World

What would it look like if school prepared us for life?

Emily Veno
April 18, 2023

Over-scheduled Child: Does it Matter?

Why is it that in a world of unprecedented technological advances and time-saving innovations, we seem to be busier than ever before? Here's a deep dive into the issue of overscheduling, and five ways to make your family less busy.

Emily Veno
April 13, 2023

Imagination: 4 Ways to Build It in Kids

Imaginative play isn’t just for preschoolers. Here’s how to spark your child’s imagination.

Emily Veno
April 11, 2023

Homeschool Cooking Curriculum: Tips & Project Ideas

Engaging kids in the kitchen goes beyond food preparation. Here’s how to incorporate cooking into your weekly lesson plans.

Prisma Staff
April 6, 2023

Helping Your Child Choose a Career Path: 5 Tips

The job landscape is shifting before our eyes. Here’s how to help kids navigate future career choices.

Prisma Staff
April 4, 2023

Is High School Fun?

If your child has doubts, here’s how to help them get to a “yes.”

Prisma Staff
March 30, 2023

High School Burnout: 7 Tips for Managing Mental Health

With adolescent mental health in crisis, here’s how to support your high school student’s well-being.

Prisma Staff
March 28, 2023

Why is Creativity Important in Education?

At its core, creativity is the expression of our most essential human qualities: our curiosity, our inventiveness, and our desire to explore the unknown. As we navigate an increasingly complex and changing world, promoting creativity in education is more important than ever before.

Emily Veno
March 24, 2023

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