Meet Shaquita Basileo

“Every single one of us adults was smiling throughout Shaquita’s Expo Day. It was really special.” -Prisma Coach 

Emily Veno Skolnick
October 8, 2024

Prisma is the world’s most engaging virtual school that prepares kids for the ever-changing world of the future. Our team of educators have a diverse background of experience on the cutting edge of teaching and learning, whether they’ve worked in brick and mortar schools or dynamic online environments. In our Meet the Team blog series, you’ll get to read more about the amazing educators behind Prisma.

“Every single one of us adults was smiling throughout Shaquita’s Expo Day. It was really special.” -Prisma Coach 
“What a delightful person and talented teacher.  I have sat through her Co-Lab and am amazed at her style, enthusiasm and leadership.”  -Prisma Parent

Shaquita Basileo first became a member of the Prisma community when her daughter, Savannah, joined Prisma as a learner in Fall 2021. Shaquita first joined the Prisma team as a Co-Lab facilitator in the 2023-2024 school year. 

Starting in Fall 2024, Shaquita is a full-time learning coach. 

Where are you based? 

I live in Falling Waters, West Virginia in the Eastern Panhandle of the state. My rapidly growing town is about an hour away from the Washington DC, area which is home to both my husband and I. I live with my husband, Brian, daughter Savannah, and two cats Fred and Ollie who have their own Instagram page. 

The part of West Virginia that I live in feels like the best of two worlds—I have access to a major metropolitan area, but I can go tubing in the Potomac River, which runs along my neighborhood, and see the ski slopes of Whitetail Mountain from my bedroom window.

Tell us a little bit about your background in education prior to joining Prisma. 

In truth, I never expected to find myself in education. I studied computer information systems in college (I am a proud graduate of Florida A&M University) and have a master's degree in Business Administration from Stanford. My early career was spent in the IT department in large corporate environments. When my daughter was born, she had complex medical needs, and I took a pause from the workforce. 

By chance, I later found myself teaching mathematics at our local public high school. I spent the next 6 years as the lone math teacher to students in Grades 1-12 at a small private school, and several more years tutoring, providing academic coaching, and guiding students through the college application process. 

My love for the mentorship and relationship building aspects of education were never a surprise to me—my childhood was certainly a difficult one, and I was fortunate to have strong educators who guided me and ensured I had access to opportunities. I wish I’d known before I spent time and money on business school that little would matter more to me than to be a small part of another person’s life story through education. 

What is your favorite aspect of being a learning coach at Prisma?

Without question, my favorite part of being a coach at Prisma is the two-way mutual learning I experience with the learners. I can not think of a single day where I have turned my laptop off and haven’t gleaned something from the life, knowledge, or insight of one of our Prismarians—from sailing, to repairing motorcycles, or Irish dancing, or simply a unique perspective on a topic we’re discussing. Our learners have had such diverse experiences. They’re risk-takers, adventurers, technically-capable, empathetic listeners, and respectful debaters. 

When we start the year as coaches, we can’t wait to see how each learner will grow over the course of the school year. At Prisma, it’s a guarantee that I’ll grow and stretch as a person and coach alongside my learners. 


Although you’re just starting as a full-time coach at Prisma this year, you’re actually a longtime member of the Prisma community! How has being a longtime Prisma parent benefited you as a Prisma coach

Firstly, I have to say that making the transition from a Prisma parent to a coach was completely eye-opening. We came to Prisma in 2021 to remove the challenges my daughter experienced in a brick-and-mortar school due to her physical disabilities. Prisma quickly and effectively built her confidence, increased her executive functioning skills, and unlocked her creative and critical thinking. I thought highly of Prisma as a parent, but I can honestly say I had no idea about the level of intentionality devoted to curriculum design. 

My experience as a parent helps me build connections between the strengths of Prisma’s learning model and the goals and concerns new families have when transitioning to Prisma. I’ve been where our new families have been: questioning whether or not I’m making the right decision. and onboarding to new systems and a new way of thinking. Prisma is designed for learners—it’s less frustrating for them, while we as parents have to work to break away from being traditionalists.   

In your middle school cohort, you work primarily with families in our parent-coach program. What advice do you give to parents who want to take on that coach role? 

First, you are not alone. Traditional homeschooling as a parent can be an incredibly isolating experience. Many homeschooling families join the parent-coach program to provide socialization and connection opportunities for their children. However, remember that becoming part of the parent-coach program means you have socialization and support opportunities as well! You’re not an island. You have your learner’s coach, the Prisma team, and the entire parent-coach community as resources and a sounding board. 

Secondly, Prisma is a complete curriculum school—but we don’t expect it to be “one size fits all” for any of our learners, and parent-coach families shouldn’t either. You don’t have to squeeze your learner into it. Communicate with your learner’s coaches, see what works for you and your child, take what you need, leave the rest on the table and have fun! 

What do you like to learn about, or what is something new you learned recently? 

My goodness, I learn something new every day! I mentioned earlier that I have an IT background. I’ve spent the last 3 months studying cloud-computing and Microsoft Azure through a fellowship program for women in computing. We all use the cloud (virtual workspaces, collaboration tools, web applications and shopping sites) but It’s been fascinating to understand the backbone technology. 

Oh, and thanks to a learner and this cycle’s theme, I’ve started up the sewing machine again and I’m learning new patterns for baby gifts for my cousin who’s expecting.  And since that just doesn’t seem like enough—a former student brought me a few orange-cranberry scones. Now I’m obsessed and working to perfect a recipe for family visits over the holiday season! 

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