Learning should be hard fun.

Prepare your 4-12th grader for a rapidly changing future with an accredited, project-based virtual program where kids build real community.
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Prisma is the best accredited online virtual K-12 homeschool program with curriculum for middle schoolers and high schoolers. Available in all 50 states: Alabama
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
“At Prisma, learners are never underestimated. They grow unrestricted in areas of strength and interest, receive support in challenge areas, connect socially through clubs and collaborations, and work with coaches who really get to know them."
Anonymous Prisma Parent
Niche review

The world is changing, but school isn't keeping up.

The traditional school system was designed over 100 years ago to prepare kids for a world that no longer exists, so it's no surprise that over 50% of kids lose interest in school by 4th grade.

Most schools still reward kids for checking boxes, getting the right answer, and following instructions. But, in the real world, success comes from forging your own path, tackling complex problems without clear answers, and collaborating to achieve shared goals. 

Prisma was built by a team of educators, tech entrepreneurs, and parents who were bold enough to believe a better way of preparing our kids for the future was possible.

Research shows there's a better way.

For K-12 education to prepare our children for the future, the following shifts are necessary:

Traditional school

Prisma Learning model

From Knowledge-driven
Focus on memorizing facts and information (whether learners grasp the relevance or not) in each school subject
to Skills-driven
Apply skills to real-world situations weaving together multiple academic subjects
From One-size-fits-all
Learn the same content at the same pace as everyone else, based on the needs of the system
to Personalized
Customize education to match each child’s unique needs and passions and their family's lifestyle and schedule
From Teacher-as-instructor
The teacher is the holder of knowledge, and their role is to pass it on
to Teacher-as-coach
While learners pursue custom learning paths, teachers focus on mentorship and feedback to challenge them
From Extrinsic motivation
Students get good grades and test scores to get a good job and avoid punishment
to Intrinsic motivation
Kids become self-motivated lifelong learners capable of constantly adapting and reinventing their careers
From Hyper-local
Schools bring together kids from the same neighborhood, limiting diversity and access to new perspectives
to Global
Kids collaborate virtually with peers all over the world

What's so different about Prisma?

'Hard Fun' Curriculum
Inspired by cutting-edge MIT and Harvard research, our expert curriculum designers craft personalized, project-based adventures that challenge kids to think deeper.
Inspiring Coaches
Each learner is matched with a best-of-the-best educator (we hire 0.5% of applicants) to motivate, mentor, and guide their learning journey through 1-on-1 support.
Uplifting Community
Kids get the best of both worlds: the intimacy of a tight-knit peer cohort for daily workshops and connection to a global community through Prisma-wide clubs and events.

We're excited to get to know your family!

What would be most helpful right now?

1-on-1 Conversation

Have specific questions unique to your child or family? Let's figure out together whether Prisma could be ideal!

Recorded Overview

Want to know all about how Prisma works, from philosophy and program design to sample schedules and financial aid?
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of parents say their child is happier at Prisma than their last school.
Parent of our virtual high school gives us a best review.
"Levi loves the kids and community. The relationships he has formed with staff are beautiful! I have never signed up for something and gotten so much more than I anticipated."
Joy J.
Prisma Parent
Online middle school reviews
"His sense of pride and accomplishment has gone through the roof. He has told all of our family and friends about his podcast."
Lashonda S.
Prisma Parent
Homeschool parent gives our program a best review for twice exceptional
"Between boredom, a lack of autonomy, and the constant transitions from topic to topic, he was MISERABLE in brick and mortar school. He is happy and thriving at Prisma!"
Kym J.
Prisma Parent
Parent of our online high school gives us a best review.
"We love the staff, the adaptability for each student, and the noticing of each student's strengths." 
Lia N.
Prisma Parent
Parent of our online middle school gives a 5-star review
"You are providing the education I want for my daughter. The patterns of thinking I see her developing I did not start thinking until I was in my twenties."
Austin B.
Prisma Parent
Best online high school reviews
"Prisma does a fabulous job helping Soren with time management, communication, and executive functioning. We are thankful you believed in him!"
Moriah B.
Prisma Parent
Parent gives virtual middle school best review
"Prisma's inclusive culture gives students a real sense of belonging. Our kids love their coaches. And we've seen them both excited about math for the first time!"
Chapin S.
Prisma Parent
Best online programs for 4th grader review
"I am blown away by how much Jack has grown in such a short time. Knowing that he is with a group who celebrates him instead of tearing him down is such a relief."
Allison V.
Prisma Parent
Fun online homeschool program review
"I heard him tell a friend this weekend that school was fun. I have never heard him say that before!"
Beth C.
Prisma Parent
Best online middle school curriculum review
"Wesley loves Prisma. He's like a new person! It's so nice to see him excited about learning again."
David S.
Prisma Parent
Top online homeschool review
"Your focus on the kids as full individual humans with unlimited potential to be unlocked is the biggest reason we are proud to be a Prisma family!"
Mary M.
Prisma Parent
High School

Aaron's creative projects

"I like having a clear purpose for what I’m learning, instead of just being told: Do this thing," says Aaron, Prisma 10th grader. 

Some of Aaron’s favorite projects include the model of a green roof planter he made to earn his 9th grade Biology credit, and the poem he wrote about the challenges of the ballet industry and turned into an audio/visual video for his English credit

“Instead of making videos or building models being what I do when I take a break from school, I did those things for my project. It’s really fun to be able to showcase the unique talents I have in a way that also gets me school credit.

See full story

HS Learner Aaron Dance
Middle School

Major's rekindling of joy

"Prior to enrolling our son, Major, at Prisma, he was called a "distraction" because he learned at a different pace, and he was struggling with the one-size-fits-all curriculum.  

Since starting Prisma, Major has matured in his course work and at home. His engagement and motivation since joining Prisma is at levels we have NEVER seen when he attended public school. He never wanted to join any extracurricular activities, now he is in the cooking enrichment and taking Japanese!

Prisma has reignited the spark and joy in Major and has brought back the amazing human we knew was there all along."

-Latasha Harris, Prisma Parent

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Prisma offers the best and most innovative private virtual online homeschool accredited program for kids in grade 4, grade 5, grade 6, grade 7, grade 8, and high school with full curriculum and live classes. We especially serve students with IEPs, autism, ADHD and gifted students.

Henry & Matilda's growth

“The first big surprise for me was the amazing team I would get to help me. I didn’t feel so alone when it came to supporting my kids’ academic education. Kristi is an amazing mentor to all of us. She has a special way of inspiring and supporting the kids. 

Matilda’s biggest area of growth was writing. She went from writing a simple paragraph in the first cycle to choosing to write a book in the last cycle. 

Henry’s biggest growth area has been getting comfortable with public speaking. When he started, he was too nervous to put his camera on. By Cycle 4, he was so excited to present he was literally dancing.

-Jess F., Parent-coach Parent

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Matilda, Henry, and mom, Jess

Cora's worldschooling adventure

"Cora gets to really design her own learning path based on what interests her, and she works closely with her coach to make sure that she’s staying on track. She has so much autonomy, which has allowed her natural creativity to blossom into confident leadership and self-expression.

Knowing that we have a loving community and access to world-class education, no matter what timezone we happen to be in, has been a dream come true."

- Catilin D., Parent

See full story

of parents agree that Prisma is preparing their child for their adult life.

Experts predict that 65% of today's elementary schoolers will grow up to do jobs that haven't been invented yet.  

The world is changing, but school has mostly stayed the same. So we’ve redesigned school to equip your child with the skills to thrive in an ever-changing future.

At Prisma, real-world skills development and whole-person growth are prioritized alongside rigorous academics. And, while we aren't big on conventional testing, Prismarians, on average, grow 158% in Reading and 204% in Math each year (per NWEA MAP Growth assessment).
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Our values
Learning should be 'hard fun'
Learning happens through doing and making
Learning isn’t one-size-fits-all
The deepest learning comes from intrinsic motivation
Learning happens in community
Kids should learn how to think, not what to think
Learning should have a purpose in the real world
Prisma Powers
Applied Curiosity
We’re all naturally curious! At Prisma, we help kids channel their curiosity to ask bold questions, think outside the box, and find valuable answers. Learners grow their sense of personal agency and their intrinsic motivation because they have choice around what they learn and how they demonstrate their learning.
Communication & CollaborationEven brilliant people will struggle in their adult lives when they aren’t skilled communicators or don’t know how to work well with others. At Prisma, kids learn how to speak and write compellingly, listen empathetically, and collaborate productively with their peers. They participate in dynamic, engaging live workshops that range from debates and simulations to design challenges and escape rooms.
Innovator’s MindsetWe need to learn how to embrace challenges and brainstorm solutions to solve problems. At Prisma, kids learn the processes that enable innovation and practice iterating based on feedback. And we find, like research shows, that the deepest, most meaningful learning comes from making and doing!
Initiative & Follow ThroughIf only we were all born as effective time managers and self-starters who persevere, we’d all be living out our full potential! At Prisma, kids are challenged to build supportive habits, take action to reach their goals, and tap into their intrinsic motivation. Each learner has an expert teacher mentor (their Prisma coach) who works with them to develop project and self management skills.

Could Prisma be right for your family?

Book a 1-on-1 chat to ask questions unique to your child and family or watch a comprehensive recorded presentation to learn everything about how Prisma works
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of parents are happy with their child's Prisma coach

Remember that life-changing teacher whose positive impact you still feel today? Those are the educators who become Prisma coaches. Each coach is an experienced educator with superpowers in building relationships with kids. They mentor your child 1:1, lead engaging live workshops, and give detailed, individualized academic feedback that's both challenging and supportive.

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of kids agree the Prisma curriculum is 'hard fun'
From STEM to Social Studies, kids gain real-world skills and master academics through interdisciplinary themes like Cities of the Future and Build a Business
In each theme, coaches support kids in tackling a project of their choice:  from pitching an invention to building a history exhibit to writing a sci-fi story.
Coaches lead daily workshops where kids collaborate, debate, and dive into real-world simulations, like Shark Tank investing or re-homing an endangered species.
Learners in grades 4-8 earn Badges—from Data Analysis to Persuasive Writing—for mastering grade-level skills, and high schoolers earn course credit in academic subjects within each interdisciplinary theme.


Middle school cohorts are led by an expert Learning Coach who supports each learner individually, facilitates live workshops, and provides academic feedback.

Our project-based curriculum prepares learners for high school academics while building real-world skills like creativity and critical thinking. Each year covers 6 interdisciplinary themes, mapped to a comprehensive set of standards (drawn from best-in-class sources like NGSS, ISTE, Common Core, and CASEL). 

Each theme, from Unsolved Mysteries to Cities of the Future, allows ample opportunity for kids to choose their own learning adventure. (Think learning about ecosystems by writing a science fiction story, physics by designing a moving toy, or history by designing a museum exhibit.)
For homeschool families, educators, and parents who have the capacity and enthusiasm to coach their 4-8th grade learner in their independent Prisma work.

Learners enrolled in this program still participate in all our workshops, standups, Expo days, clubs and learner events. Like all our learners, they are part of a close-knit cohort of other learners that they meet with daily. They also get full access to our accredited curriculum, assessments, and receive a Prisma transcript.

The only difference between the full program and Parent-coach is that you are your child's mentor coach. This means giving regular feedback on your child's work, setting learning goals together, making sure they're on track, and determining when they reach mastery.
High schoolers graduate with an accredited diploma and transcript that meets college entrance requirements, while still engaging in a project-based curriculum that tailors learning to their interests.

Each 12-week theme awards credit in subjects from Biology to English through real-world topics such as The Future of Health and Build a Business. Learners work 1-on-1 with their mentor coach to tailor projects to their goals and create a standout portfolio. They also engage in electives, optional AP and dual enrollment courses, and a weekly Life Skills workshop. 

In 11th grade, learners design a capstone project that shows off their strengths, aligned to their college and career goals. In 12th grade, learners complete a virtual or in-person internship with a partner organization.

Learning happens in community

We hear again and again how Prisma is like a family.

The intentional matching of learners with their mentor coach and peer cohort leads to the formation of real relationships that give kids a sense of belonging and connection. From STEM Extravaganza to Prisma Parliament, learners also have a wide variety of extracurricular and leadership opportunities. And Prisma isn’t just for learners. Parents get together for interest-based Circles, Book Clubs, and frequent regional meet ups and parent-led trips.

Eve of a new school year
High School Meetup with Coach Anne
Prisma Spirit over Zoom
"One of his initial concerns was that, because it was digital, he wouldn't make any friends.  His favorite thing at dinner the other day was that "I made two friends already!" On the very first day, he told me that he loved that his teacher was so accessible. He said, "I called her and she actually picked up! AND she gave me just enough info to do what I needed WITHOUT giving the answer away!!!!"
Tara S.
Prisma Parent

Choose the version of Prisma that fits your family

Full program
Grades 4-8: $10,430
Grades 9-12: $11,630

Grades 4-8 only: $4,875 ($5,875 with Prisma Math coaching)

Daily engaging, collaborative live workshops
Accredited, personalized project-based curriculum for all subjects
1-on-1 mentorship from Prisma Coach
Iterative feedback from expert teachers
Tight-knit peer cohort community
Flexible model for kids to learn from anywhere
Check out our Grades 4-8 or High School program for more details about what's included in your child's Prisma tuition.
Prisma's tuition is intentionally set to be sustainable. There's no added fluff because we're passionate about accessibility and creating a positive impact!

Around 40% of Prisma learners receive a scholarship. The Prisma Scholarship Fund gives out more than $150,000 in scholarships each year to enable learners who otherwise wouldn't be able to join Prisma to be part of our community.
Talk with us
Best online high school reviews
“The school we applied to last spring before hearing of Prisma was $30,000 (for middle school level)! The Prisma pedagogy, dynamic leadership team, and the lower cost is a gift to us in more ways than one.”
Moriah B.
Prisma Parent

Join our Prisma family!

Prisma parents partner with the Prisma team to create rich in-person and virtual social experiences for both kids and families. See the parent-led Prisma Parent Community for more.
Homeschool meet up group for online K-12 school program
Prisma learners saw baby turtles hatch, learned together in a jungle cabaña, and took surf lessons together in Costa Rica
Available in all 50 states: Alabama
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Prisma Learners at a Halloween themed meet-up in New Jersey
Homeschooling socialization and extracurricular program for our virtual middle school
Prismarians showing their Prisma spirit at a summer camp together in the New York mountains
3 Prisma families met up in London this summer!

How do you prefer to learn more?

Book a 1-on-1 chat to ask questions unique to your child and family or watch a comprehensive recorded presentation to learn everything about how Prisma works
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